<This Texas is an Infected AU one, she is still stoic depending on the situation, but is also somewhat more open.>➪[]-Muse actions
➪""-Muse speaking
➪()-Muse thinking
➪{}Muse texting

"Codename.. Texas. My duties consist of vehicle driving, cargo transportation and personnel safety. Keep mission briefings as simple as possible, please."

"No matter how hard I run, my past will catch me one day."

"My independent lifestyle and rowdy friends have brought me a lot of trouble... but I kind of like it this way."

<Opening Operator Texas's personal file.. Decrypting... Please wait... Decoding complete. Access granted.>

Miss Texas is quiet, though her combat style is anything but. It's best described as a tempest.At Rhodes Island, Operators without formal training are actually the majority, but when it comes to weapon applications, most will follow the common protocol. Texas, however, doesn't.While she is a bit more reserved now, one can still see vestiges of her habits that she might not be aware of - her belief that the singular purpose of all weaponry is to kill.Her Lupo origin, her conspicuous fur color, her notable combat style, and of course, her name, all point to her ties with the faded Texas family, a once-famous clan whose name is now forgotten to most.If that's the case, Texas's past is probably astonishing beyond imagination, as indicated by the Texas name itself.On one hand, even with Rhodes Island's intel network, very little is known about the family's fate. On the other hand, Texas never felt the need to elaborate her past, so there isn't a pressing need to delve into it. After all, her past may one day catch up to her, just as she predicts.

Codename: Texas
Real Name: ??? (Cellinia. But she'll only tell those she's close to.)
Gender: Female
Combat Experience: 3 Years
Place of Birth: Columbia
Date of Birth: June 1st
Race: Lupo
Height: 161 cm - 5'2"
Operator Role: Vanguard, Specialist, Courier from Penguin Logistics.
Infection Status: Infection confirmed by medical report.
Texas's Token: The scutcheon of Texas's family. The scratch on it tells a story.Operator's Arts appears to be called 'Swords Rain'. Upon one of the blades being planted into the ground and the words spoken, swords will hail down upon her enemies, stunning them for a short time. Infection has seemed to cause this skill to change, upon the swords hitting their target, they now explode like firebombs. Burning the threat while also stunning them. Strangely.. A spectral blue wolf will sometimes appear behind her upon use of this skill, reports have stated.Physical Examination shows almost all combat attributes of subject as Excellent. Only endurance is left as Standard.

Medical tests have shown the outlines of her internal organs to be indistinct due to abnormal shadows. Originium granules have been detected in her circulatory system, confirming her to be infected with Oripathy.[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 14%
Significant crystal distribution is visible on the surface of the subject's torso and stomach. Considering the peculiar locations of the crystals, strict monitoring of Operator Texas's condition is required.
[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.35u/L
Texas's prognosis based upon her current infection status is concerning, and there is potential for further deterioration without the proper treatments.

Operator Texas seems to have a love of cigarettes, pocky and other sweet treats, and her motorcycle. As well as being very prideful of her swords.

Operator appears to have a scar over one of her eyes. Reports indicate that it is self inflicted...

Operator appears to have various old tattoos. Although, their origin and meanings are as mysterious as she herself is...